Isaac Kohou - Aged 14 - Trial for Wolves & Interest From 3 Other Clubs

Isaac Kohou - Aged 14 - Trial for Wolves & Interest From 3 Other Clubs

After securing promotion to the Premier League, Wolves fans could soon have more news to celebrate after talented midfielder Isaac Kohou has joined the club on trial.

Isaac, 14, attended our trial at QPR’s Training Ground in April and was invited back to the same ground to play for a mixed u15/16’s Wolves side against QPR, just three weeks later.

He made an impression coming off the bench into a central-midfield position, as his mum explained.

“Isaac has always been a centre-mid and he came on and did well, but the coaches at Wolves have said he could be a centre-back long term if he stays there,’ she said.

“But he’s loving it there at the moment, he’s getting a lot of exposure and has played in a couple of games.”

Isaac’s mum added: “The only thing to say is it’s quite overwhelming as he’s got a lot going on he’s waiting to know where his future lies.”

While initially it was one door that opened from his UK Football Trial event, several more pathways have presented themselves since.

“From the match he played in against QPR, Crystal Palace saw him and have invited him to play against Dagenham and Redbridge,” she continued.

“Charlton then contacted us about playing in a game as well, while there’s been some interest from Norwich which might materialise in pre-season.”

This type of thing is a regular occurrence from our events, where more interest may come further down the line, after one impressive performance at UK Football Trials.

She went on: “The UK Football Trials setup was brilliant, the way they’ve kept contact with me as a parent, they gave good feedback and good exposure to my son. I feel very secure like somebody is there looking after us on the journey.

“Isaac is still training with Wolves and he’s going to keep working and give it a real good go in pre season.”

We wish Isaac every success in his football career and will bring you more updates as we get them.

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