David Fairbrother, Championship Scout With 40 Years Experience Gives His Views On UK Football Trials
UK Football Trials are delighted to hear from an extremely well known, experienced and respected scout within the professional game after he attended our Birmingham Trial in April.
Dave Fairbrother has kindly sent us his thoughts on UK Football Trials "I would highly recommend UK FOOTBALL TRIALS to any player wishing to progress in the game. The staff/coaches at UK Football Trials are very highly qualified with a vast experience in the pro game. It is a great chance for me and other scouts to see a range of different age groups at one time and in one place and the staff are very welcoming and knowledgeable. As an ex player, manager and now a scout for 40 years I am a great believer that players develop at different stages both in ability...and physically...and just need the chance to show their talent in front of scouts. UK FOOTBALL TRIALS give them that opportunity”
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