87 Goals-a-Season Striker Monitored by Coventry City
Ethan Pickford, 13, is being monitored by League One side Coventry City after he was spotted at our trial in Birmingham earlier this year.
The UK Football Trial at Sutton Coldfield in February this year provided Ethan, who plays as a striker, with the perfect platform to showcase his skills - an opportunity he took full advantage of.
He was coached on the day by former West Brom player Kevin Kent, and his performance in that session did enough to catch the eye of the onlooking Coventry City scout, David Fairbrother.
David has since followed up his interest by sending club scouts to watch Ethan in a game for his current club side Newport Town.
"I had Ethan PIckford watched and received a very favourable report," said David, "I wanted to get down and watch him again but his season has finished now.
"I'm in contact with his Dad and will be down in the summer to watch him play in a tournament - he is doing well and there is a strong possibilty of getting him in for a trial."
Ethan, who has had trials for Shrewsbury Town and Port Vale in the past and is currently hoping to be selected for his Shropshire County side, stands at 150cm tall and has scored 87 goals for his Saturday and Sunday sides this season.
Speaking about his UK Football Trial, Ethan's Dad, Ray, said: "He enjoyed the trial, I think he got on with all the other players well and it was a nice atmosphere for them all.
"He seemed quite relaxed and because it wasn't his first football trial he kind of knew what to expect and it helped him to settle down. To be honest he just loves playing football so he never finds things that scary because he's enjoying himself."
Ethan will be watched again this summer and we will bring you updates on his progress as we get them.