41-Goal-Winger on Trial with Norwich City for Six Weeks

41-Goal-Winger on Trial with Norwich City for Six Weeks

Published Friday 30th of September 2016 02:54 PM

Flying winger Ethan Connell is currently enjoying a six-week-trial with Championship side Norwich City after catching the attention of a scout at one of our events this summer.

Ethan, 11, began his trial with the club's academy last night (Thursday 29th September) after impressing at our Essex trial in August. 

The trial comes off the back of a spectacular season for Ethan, who scored 41 goals for his club Guru Nanak FC in all competetions last year, including a stunning 7-minute-hat-trick in one game.

Speaking about the trial with Norwich City, Ethan's Dad, Dan, said: "He's absolutely chuffed and couldn't wait to get in there.

"We'll see how he get's on over the next few weeks but it's a massive opportunity for him. As long as he keeps his head down and works hard then that's all he can do."

Dan added: "Before going to UK Football Trials he was a bit nervous but he settled in the longer it went on. He was very happy with the challenge of the level and the different professional drills and coaching."

The Norwich scout who spotted Ethan, Paul, wasted no time in organising the trial and revealed to us exactly what it was that caught his eye.

"Ethan was selected on his performance at UK Football Trials because of the good energy and tenacity that he showed against bigger and older players," said Paul.

He added: "Other attributes that also stood out were a confident first touch, intelligent spacial awareness in his movement on and off the ball, a desire to win ball back and a nice attitude on and off the pitch.

"We're looking forward to seeing him train and play regularly and will assess him over the next few weeks."

Ethan will continue training at Greenwich Centre of Excellence until mid November, when a decision will be made on his future.


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