70,000 Players on UK Football Trials Books

70,000 Players on UK Football Trials Books

Published Tuesday 8th of November 2016 05:54 PM

An incredible 70,000 players are now with the world's most successful football trials company, with more services being launched soon.

After starting out almost five years ago in 2011, the company has grown at a rapid rate and now has players from as many as 208 countries registered from around the world.

Harry Price, Director, said: "To reach 70,000 players is an astonishing milestone.

"When we started the company five years ago we could only dream of reaching such numbers and to be at that stage now, and to know we have helped so many players from the UK and around the world get closer to their dream is a great feeling.  We like to help as many players as we can understand what it takes to scouted, become a pro player and hear from professional scouts - regardless of whether we see them at a trial or not.  Giving something back to young and old footballers from around the world is a big part of what we do and what the team we work with are about.  

"Our plans for 2017 are soon to be launched as we always work hard to improve our service.  That starts with some overseas trips and the launch of new 5 day training and trial camps which we are very excited about for April and the summer holidays.  We have recruited a new member of staff last month and our plans to help even more players in 2017 in any way we can is always at the forefront of what we do.  To all the parents and players that have support us over the years - we appreciate it very much and we look forward to working with you in the future."


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