74 Players Scouted during our First week of February trials

74 Players Scouted during our First week of February trials

Published Monday 20th of February 2017 12:58 PM

The first week of Febraury trials was a busy one, with the team going to West London, Birmingham, Essex, and South London. Charlotte Rule, Player Liaison Manager and Scout Co-Ordinator for UK Football Trials, has done the maths and an incredible 74 players have had their details requested by clubs from the Premier League through to Semi Pro! This is a class effort and a testiment to how hard the players worked last week.

Players will find out whether they were successful by 8pm this Friday, as the team are back on the road again today -  this time heading to Manchester and Cardiff.

Spaces for the Cardiff and Manchester trials this week have now SOLD OUT - but we have just added our April trials, which you can view and book onto by clicking on the '1 Day Football Trials' tab. As always, prices increase as availability becomes limited - so book early!

Which location will have the most players scouted this February? Players coming to Manchester and Cardiff best bring their A game if they want to do even better than week 1...







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