UKFT Hit 1 Millions Youtube Views
UK Football Trials have reached 1,000,000 millions views on Youtube thanks to the support of our followers.
The channel, which we started producing content for professionally in 2016, has seen a sharp increase in views and registrations in the past 12 months, also recently hitting the 10,000 subscribers mark.
Head of Digital Kai Delaney said: “To hit 1,000,000 views on Youtube is a massive achievement and something that we have been working hard towards.
“We decided as a company that video is something we were really passionate about and we wanted to help bring our players the latest news and information about our trials in video form, and the numbers suggest they like it too.”
Some of the most popular videos in 2018 have been the player highlights, including Diogo Paiva which racked up 75,000 views and Chris Baxter’s behind the scenes documentary, which is currently on 36,000 views and growing.
UK Football Trials will continue to expand the Youtube content for our subscribers and hope to bring you more exciting videos through 2019.
Director of UK Football Trials Harry Price said: "It is a nice milestone to hit, and one we will certainly remember, but as a group we are extremely ambitious and this is just the start.
"We are currently all working hard on new video projects and content for 2019 and we think the players and parents will really enjoy what we will announce soon.
"Kai has been excellent in leading this area of the business and we are excited about our growth in this sector."
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