Published Wednesday 23rd of September 2020 10:51 AM

COVID-19 UPDATE with regard to ALL bookings from 14th  May 2020  for all future trial events following the updates on September 22nd 2020 from the UK Prime Minister.

Following the recent updates from the UK Primer Minister, as things stand these events will go ahead as planned on the dates provided. in the event trials should they be postponed and rescheduled due to Government enforced restrictions, then for your peace of mind please do not worry – you will not lose your booking, all players will receive a 12 month credit note to choose a different trial date to attend. Please note however that refunds will not be given outside our standard terms and conditions.

Those who have already booked a place will get FIRST PRIORITY to choose a new trial date.

For the safety of the players, parents, guardians and our staff we will put in place Covid measures during the trial days in accordance with the guidelines of Public Heath England, the FA, venue and government advice. At present there will be no hand shakes, all spectators must be 2m apart, no use of changing rooms or showers, hand sanitiser will be available and bibs will not be shared. More information will be available about this as the guidance changes and sent out on the confirmation email to booked players, 7 days before the start of the event.   

For the 5 day Training and Trial Camps in April and August 2021. 

We have confirmed our dates with the venues. April will be at Royal Russell School in Surrey and August will be at Ardingly College in Sussex. Both are spectacular football and pastoral facilities and two top private schools in the UK. We have used both venues before and run camps for the last 3 years with great success. 

We have produced substantial health and safety Covid-19 policy documentation, working with the venues to ensure that we provide a safe and sensible camp experience for all players. When a player books we do send out our most up to date guidance to ensure it is clear for everyone to understand and please be assured that player safety is a subject we do take very seriously. Having run two weeks of camps in August 2020, all of our operational procedures worked incredibly well, the camp experience was fantastic for all the players and the scouted player success was some of the best we have ever seen in all the years running the camp. 

Our team are happy to speak to players, parents or guardians in more detail if required.

At present we are not able to say 100% that the camps will be able to operate on the dates provided next year as we are subject to the laws and guidance made by Public Health England, the FA and UK Government, but should there be the necessity to postpone a camp, all players will be provided with an 18 month credit note to attend a future date. Please note that refunds will NOT be provided outside of our standard terms and conditions. We will have 2 weeks in April and 2 weeks in August in 2021 with a large capacity to safely provide a great camp experience. 

We hope that helps, that the information is clear and if you need clarification or assistance then please feel free to call or email our team and we will be more than happy to help. 

Many thanks

Harry Price

Director - UK Football Trials


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